Tuesday, April 26, 2011

off-the-wall-off-the-cuff...and around the river bend...

It’s been a rough couple of months at work, mainly because I am getting closer to obtaining my Master’s (but that’s not the only reason…longing is a wistful, yet possessive distraction). Lately, I realize that I am spending more time looking out the steamy, coffee-splattered windows into the horizon, wondering how on earth I have ended up at this point in life. How am I standing here in a green apron, holding a dang broom under my left armpit, wiping up crystallized piles of sugar in the raw from the condiment bar with a dirty sanitizer rag in my right hand…all the while, stuffy men and women wearing Perry Ellis and Brooks Brothers suits are standing behind me, waiting to whiten their coffee and widen their waists with half and half from the carafes that I just re-filled. I jostle my way up to that condiment bar to switch out the trash bags about three times a day during my shift and a lot of times, I can’t help myself, I lose focus for about 45 seconds staring at the LBJ freeway, wondering where I fit in the picture that is the real world, wondering where my Disney movie starts...WHERE is exactly "just around the river bend," Pocahontas, because I am still waiting. I usually never get more than 45 seconds before my attention is diverted away because of some other barista emergency but it’s always just long enough to remember that the real world exists, for me, inside these walls built of caffeine and drink orders that sound like science experiments gone bad.

It doesn’t do me any good to wonder why THOSE people, in the suits, have the jobs that I want…or that I think that life is so unfair at the moment…it does me no good to be bitter, regretful, etc… I just have to put on my big girl britches, and ask, in the great words of JFK, not what can this job do for me, but what can I do for this job?? What lives can I change today? How can I make someone's day better?

I keep wanting to experience some big jump to the next venture in my life, experience that career change that maxes out all these talents that make me unique, you know, that job that requires writing, reading, being hilarious and witty, an occasional overseas trip for a photo shoot of some sort where I need to wear exotic clothes and keep all the beauty supplies, and regular visits to NYC- all while paying me enough to donate half my salary to starving children in Uganda. I know that job is out there…

My mom reminded me, while I was lamenting about my rough hours, exhaustingly unpredictable schedule of morning shifts, night shifts, she said I should read my old blogs…remember the good things about the job…and you know what? it worked…I remembered the reason I loved the initial taking of this job...

People like the crazy guy that came into the Mockingbird store when I was filling in one day and I told him my name was Bumblebee and he said, “Well, Bumblebee, do you like to walk barefoot in the grass??” and I said, “Well, how else am I supposed to walk in the grass?” like it was a conversation I had every day. It doesn’t take working at a place like Starbucks to appreciate the unexpected quirks of people. The homeless lady I met the other day left me speechless…for one, I had to tell her that the outside furniture was going to be brought into the store upon closing, which meant that she was losing her seat which was right by our front door...and as she was walking away, I said, “Hey, do you want a sandwich?” and she said, “Nope, but I’d love a taco.” I couldn’t help but laugh out loud…and I said, “Well ma’am, if there was a taco bell around, I’d buy you a taco, but it looks like we’re out of luck…” and this scrawny, dirty homeless lady picked up her two ripped up CVS bags full of God knows what and said, “Don’t ‘ma’am’ me…” and walked off without a sandwich mumbling about the fact that we sold all sorts of expensive coffee but I couldn’t spare a flipping 89 cent taco for her…and I thanked God right then and there that I still had my sanity. As I was thanking God, the lady turned and said with a smile that showed she had no teeth, “You have a wonderful and blessed night blondie…” I wanted to go hug her and thank her for that toothless grin that would make me laugh when I thought of it later, because it never ceases to amaze me how weird and insane people can really be that when they lose everything that is dear to them, that they lose their mind as well? Or maybe it’s the other way around, where they lose their mind and as a result, they lose everything that is dear to them. Either way, it is people like the barefoot guy and the toothless lady that make me wonder if it is their simplicity that makes other people seem so complex or visa versa...

Not surprisingly, I meet people like this on a regular basis and it makes me realize that I have an interestingly dynamic job where I may not get to interact with the people that I do otherwise…

Even my co-workers have impressived me. The baristas from all walks of life, some married, some with kids, some single and wild and crazy, some traveled (from Ethiopia to the Netherlands to Italy and Spain), some with talents that have blown my mind (like the magician/barista who could make credit cards disappear, literally, when he took them from customers…? He could also juggle and rap at the same time…)… I have had no shortage of entertainment during my time at Starbucks.
But still, I find myself staring…looking for the next calling, even if it’s here…and I think I have to believe God’s promise, “…You have been faithful with a few things…I will put you in charge of many things…”

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Shaken, stirred, frapped, and whipped!

I know previously that I had mentioned how, after working at Starbucks for a while, I was beginning to chant the drinks in my dreams, in my nightmares, in my spare time…it was becoming habit for me. I haven’t been doing that as much anymore, even though I do love showing off at work when someone has a really hard drink and they go through very slow and loud like I’m hard of hearing or something, like, “Okay, now, I want a VEN-ti, DE-caf, SKIIIIIM milk (it has to be skim please), one hundred and EIGHTY degree, no foam LAT-TAY with 4 pumps of SUGARFREE vanilla…please use the sugarfree because one time I went to a starbucks and they didn’t have it and they gave me the regular syrup and it was just TOO SWEET…gross, so please sugar free…now, do you need me to say that again”
Blandly, I will stare at the unassuming patron, reach over to pick up the cup, ask “What’s your name?” and they say, “[Beep]*”
*(names have been removed to protect the identity of the ridiculed)…
So after writing the name, I say to the barista while staring at the customer, “Venti-decaf-4 pump sugarfree vanilla-180-no foam-skinny vanilla latte for [Beep]”- Bam! How about them apples?
As I spout these drinks off throughout the day, I oftentimes notice how people begin to look like their drinks…just like with the owner-pet thing.

The skinny drink orders ALMOST always remind me of their skinny drinks…and even if they’re not LITERALLY skinny, there is something tepid about the way they order it that insinuates they are being stretched “thin” in their personal lives, as though they are ordering with a sense of longing for something MORE than a skinny latte…almost like they have to add extra hot or no foam just to make the drink have a little more substance to its creation.

I love that children and teenagers 8 out of 10 times order something fun and indulgent like Frappuccinos or white mochas or something with cream and sprinkles on top, because that is how teenagers and kids are supposed to act. Never “hold the whip” when it is for a teenager or child!

The people that order hot chocolate are usually not the suit and tie types…they are usually the cautiously pessimistic non-coffee type of people that are too scared to ask us what else we have that doesn’t have coffee flavor in it (which most people are surprised to know that pretty much all of our drinks, aside from drip coffee, can be made without espresso in them and still be delicious sans caffeine!). The hot chocolate group sometimes drives me batty because I want to tell them that Swiss Miss makes better hot chocolate than us…we don’t even have marshmallows!! The least they can do is add Peppermint or white mocha! [Disclaimer: sometimes we will get regulars who order hot chocolate just because it is cold outside and they want something comforting…I do not hold it against them for ordering it on “occasion.”]

The men and women that order Americanos are a tough crowd- they are hard to read because of their stoicism. Just like the drink’s name, Americano (which rolls off the tongue nicely) it is rich without being showy. There is an elegance and grace about these people…they are purveyors of fine taste… I drink Americanos.

Doppio (2), triple (3), or quad (4) espresso drinkers (straight shots of thick espresso) are reserved for the people who are kinetic in their personality. They are usually a little jumpy and nervous, but not always. Sometimes, there is a slight tremor in their gaze, a desperate and anxious distraction to their detachment with everyone around them. For the most part, I spend a lot of time observing our espresso drinkers like they are paintings or works of art that are about to self-destruct. I try to stay away from straight shots of espresso for fear of turning into one of these strange creatures.

My iced tea drinkers are few and far between, but I do love them. There is something wholesome and pure about an iced tea drinker. They remind me of people that enjoy sitting on the front porch to enjoy a glass of lemonade, life before flavored syrups and blended drinks came along to corrupt us all.

Last but not least, drip coffee drinkers- the life blood of our population. Drip coffee drinkers are scary because of their deep appreciation and conviction for strong coffee. Drip coffee has more caffeine than anything else we serve, so these people are strictly business about their beverages. They don’t want to wait for an espresso drink to be made and they certainly don’t like to answer any questions aside from do they want “room for cream”…they have lives to lead and they need to get on their way! I love serving drip coffee because it is easy and fast, so I pretty much love drip coffee drinkers. Even if they are the least social (for the MOST part) and the least “fun” as far as maintenance is concerned. As long as their coffee is fresh (and 19 out of 20 times it is) and hot, they are happy, which will be evident by the terse smile they offer. Drip coffee drinkers don't have smile lines.

But trust me- you NEVER want to get on the bad side of a drip coffee drinker BEFORE they have had their drip coffee, it is not pretty. Kind of like standing next to a dog who is eating out of his food bowl, drip coffee drinkers can be savage beasts if they are not happy.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Do Not Talk to Strangers, unless they offer good advice...

To my followers (aka- my parents, haha)…I’m so sorry I haven’t blogged in a while. I have been extremely busy, not to sound like I am more “important” in some sense than anyone else, but my schedule hasn’t exactly allowed for time to sit and reflect upon Starbucks as an environment about which I would like to describe in an entertaining manner…as I guess happens to all of us as a hobby becomes a “job!”

And wow- what a job it has been! High and lows…highs from the everyday interactions with new and exciting people and lows for being reprimanded on such things as falling short on the call of miniscule daily duties…who knew I didn’t know how to mop a bathroom or wipe down a window sill…but apparently I do not know how to do these things. Far be it from me to not do the little things but I tried to explain that I am one of those “big picture” types…

My work philosophy- imagination does not like to tiptoe around with practicality…it envisions a Starbucks that offers patrons a more rewarding and interactive experience as opposed to just clean restrooms… And let me tell you where big picture thinking got me—wiping down the underside of tables, scraping off gum and old coffee stains! Gross! I guess somebody has to do it.

Also, in my defense being a “little picture” person has almost made me a more irritable worker…it’s harder to look with endearment upon the little kids splashing around in their Frappuccino mess over on the cushions of the chair while their mother gestures WILDLY and OBLIVIOUSLY visiting, loudly, with her friends when I am watching the seemingly possessed and animalistic children...daydreaming about in what order I will later approach the mess they are creating…. “Should I use wipes, then the mop, then dry it…? Or should I dry it, wipe it, then mop it?...Oh, excuse me! What would you like to drink today…might I suggest SOME MANNERS FOR YOUR CHILDREN?!?!” Ha. Ha. Kidding.

Lately, I have tried various tactics to mask my distracted exhaustion. I often resort to small talk and smiles, but the people that are regulars know me (and my aversion to small talk) and they want to know why I’m not singing or dancing as I usually am…and why no random questions about their life…like if they think that white and black are real colors…

What’s amazing is that the customers are more astute about my disposition than I am! I appreciate it, usually, and I have found the best way to navigate a tough day at Starbucks is to be honest…people are full of advice on how to overcome a “woke up on the wrong side of the bed” type of day. I’ve heard everything, and I am compiling a list of the best advice I have received at Starbucks below:

1. Stay away from caffeine (I loved this one because it was from a co-worker!)

2. Eat one raw jalapeno a day… “That’ll REEEVVVV your engine!” the guy told me. (I replied, “I’m only having a bad day…I don’t have a death wish for my taste buds…”)

3. Go into a room of your house that’s quiet alone and read your favorite magazine or book (I live alone…that is every day of my life…but thanks for rubbing it in and making me wallow in my loneliness) haha!

4. Go shopping (coming from a lady whose wristwatch cost more than my yearly salary)…

5. Wrap seaweed around your toes… (At which prompting, I could help looking down at the feet of the proposer and notice the tennis shoes DID have a dingy tint to them…gross!!! I didn’t even ask for an explanation, but come to think of it, I wish I HAD! Brings a new meaning to the phrase, “He’s Gellin…” Dr.Scholl’s for those of you who don’t watch commercials…)

6. Go to a shooting range… (“No, really…” says the young man when he sees my appalled face, “I try to fit it in my schedule every couple days…” at which I couldn’t help thinking, “What happens when the range doesn’t fit into your schedule?!?!?!”)

7. Take more naps… (this offered by the same lady that told me to “Go shopping” and “Have my house cleaned by a cleaning service at least once a week…” thanks a lot lady, as you take your double-chocolate chip decaf Frappuccino to lay across your loveseat and nap while being fanned by your various household staff…)

Anyway, come to find out, there is no shortage of advice to be given…and Starbucks seems to be teeming with experts in every field from rifles to rhinestones! On that note, duty calls (from the dirty bathroom), back to work doing what I do best- imagining how I will answer my interview questions on the Today show…

“Well, Matt, thanks for having me on the show…can I offer you a jalapeno?”

Friday, December 31, 2010

If you can't take the buzz, don't drink the coffee!

When I sat down to write the last blog of 2010 (after having taken a lengthy hiatus from writing for my followers), I was under the impression I was going to write a top ten list. Favorite memories or experiences, something light-hearted and funny. However, when I think about the impact that this job has had on my heart, mind, and soul…I want to go in a different direction.

Starbucks is far from a holy place…even though for some, drinking coffee is akin to a spiritual experience. The company even goes so far as to FORBID the handing out of religious tracts or the hanging up of any religious paraphernalia on the community bulletin board.

Suffice it to say, I once had to tell a girl of no more than 8 years old that she couldn’t advertise her choir’s performance at a local church because it had the name God in it…I tried to explain that if we advertised her choir’s performance, we would have to advertise EVERY choir’s performance, even the ones that worship Satan…and from the look on her face, I don’t think I fooled her one bit because I have to admit, to this day, I’ve never heard of a church choir singing praise songs to the devil (unless you count sitting on a tack something good)…

So, the café experience isn’t one that is “designed” to be holy…but that’s the amazing thing about God. He can take a place like Starbucks and not only use it for the number one location for online dating first dates, but also make it an exciting get-away for Bible study groups or one-on-one uplifting conversations…it’s the place we meet when we need a place to meet. It’s a haven, a safe house, and at the same time, it possesses an element of adventure (outside the house) amidst the comforting smells and décor.

The people and the reasons for their being there are as varied as the population of our great planet. From mammals of the canine, four-legged variety to islanders visiting from the Philippines…from homeless to Hollywood…from the construction worker to the former CEO of Starbucks, I have met every type of person under the sun… The crazy thing is the memories that stick with me…

The lady that came in one Sunday afternoon, smiling from ear to ear, eyes slightly closed, she was humming…and why? I immediately detested her happiness and peace but I smiled and asked her what she wanted…and she just practically sang her answer, and I finally had to ask, “Why are you so happy today?” and she said the worship in church was so uplifting. It brings tears to my eyes that I could have been wearing my emotional baggage so tackily on my exterior that I almost missed the opportunity to experience this woman’s warmth and love. She was radiating God’s love and I was acting so pious in my “realist” point of view because I felt like this woman didn’t know what it was like to really have my life experiences…the truth was just the opposite, I was the one missing out. Spending time in worship of God was exactly what my soul and heart and mind needed, and I could do it right then and there.
It is moments like this in the coffeeshop that have floored me, spiritually. Watching people pore over their well-worn Bibles in the corner of the café, searching for God’s message among the pages, searching for more of God’s revelation.

People, fervently, studying the Word like it contains the secret to unlock the next plot for Indiana Jones and the Final Final Crusade Once and For All… I find myself staring at these people, wondering what they are reading and what God is revealing to their hearts. Were they coming across a verse that they had read a million times but never understood?

That loving God, like John Piper says, is cherishing Him, making Him an “experience of our affections, not mere thoughts or behaviors.” Seeing that God is “compellingly beautiful…” in life’s greatest (and worst) experiences. As I would lean on the broom or mop, in sheer and austere oblivious curiosity, I would watch these devoted followers of God who were using our coffeeshop to further the kingdom of heaven and I would think about all the lives I needed to help encourage and change through my writing or spiritual discoveries and I would imagine myself calling friends and family RIGHT THEN, even though it was 7 in the morning to explain to them that JESUS COULD COME BACK TODAY- START LIVING RIGHT…even though I am WELL AWARE that hearing something over the phone from an overzealous Christian friend while driving in the rain in traffic on the way to work is about as real as Santa Claus. Mainly because I know how I feel when someone walks up to the counter during a rush and tells me they see a “spiritual calling” on my life because they have been watching me when I am rushing through grinding coffee, restocking the pastry case, and talking to the customers in line. To the actual guy that said this, I replied, “Well, spiritual callings sure don’t pay much per hour!” I was mainly joking, but the “reality” is that it is hard to combine the spiritual encounters to the worldly experiences without sometimes seeming a little out-of-whack or like I mentioned earlier “overzealous.”

When the real world collides with the spiritual world, there is an amazing explosion that I like to consider the Big Bang and the rubble that is left at our feet oftentimes leaves us tiptoeing around, looking for the small treasures that have been salvaged- what we are left realizing is that the “items” that we may have “worshipped” are melted plastic and metal and paper…while the true treasures are what could not be destroyed in even the strongest of blazes or explosions. I see these Big Bangs all the time at Starbucks…and they bring me to one conclusion for 2010.

The “rubble” at our feet is not worth even half the pennies we waste on it. Just like the expensive coffee and food we sell at Starbucks- it’s good, but it burns in the flame. What we value the most is the experiences and the life-changing relationships that are fostered and rejuvenated and DEEPENED through memories made at places like the coffeeshop.

I have mentioned several times that I try to treat everyone that comes in Starbucks like they are my family. Meaning, I treat them how I want my family to be treated. It has been a paramount discovery how much more patience I can have with someone when I am imagining my mother standing at the counter or my father trying to decide what he wants to drink. I suddenly become engaging and playful, I want to help and I want to encourage.

For 2010, my time with my family has been more precious than the rarest of jewels or the most expensive, exotic trip overseas. Our families are the people that are part of our infrastructure, our understanding of the world, our DNA, these people will always be “in” us. My love for my family, for the memories I get to make with them, and for the memories I get to think about, it propels me on, to another day of fighting the “good fight” for the Father of us all. My ability to cherish my family extends to all the Christian brothers and sisters that I come into contact with every day.

The beginning of a new year is just that- a fresh start to the same life. A mental renewing that allows us to say, I am going to BE that potential that I’ve always had. God would want nothing less for us. And Starbucks doesn’t tolerate second-rate!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

The Return of the Espresso Jedi...

I couldn’t think of a better day to re-begin my blogging as I have taken a much needed hiatus due to school and work…not that I haven’t had stories to tell about oversteamed lattes and angry patrons, and not that people haven’t touched my life on a daily basis with their kindness and caring words of encouragement. Today Christmas celebration is officially allowed. All the Bah-humbugs who think that Thanksgiving loses something in the listening to Christmas music early (nothing)…their argument is no longer valid, so we can all blare Christmas music from Bing Crosby to Mariah Carey to Amy Grant as loud as we want!

However, even as a holly-jolly offender myself, I am struck this year by the saturation of holiday paraphernalia that I notice early in the season. I guess working at Starbucks (which is pretty much directly correlated with Christmastime for me) it is hard not to notice the “cheer” and “joy” that is pumped into the head, heart, and soul of America through the red and white snowy decorations from cups to signage, and gift sets wrapped in colorful foil ribbon…not to mention the Christmas tree we’ve had up since November 1st.

Here, at the store, we have practically been advertising this popular December holiday since the beginning of September…while someone like me can’t think of anything better than a prolonged celebration of, literally, the most wonderful time of the year, other people become practically fossilized in their Scroogism and you can see it on their scowl when they observe the large, adorable furry antlers you are wearing via headband and you hear it in their voice when they mumble, “It’s not even Thanksgiving yet…didja forget about that?” and you then you try to slyly slide the headband off while darting your eyes side to side to feign innocence saying, “I didn’t even REALIZE these antlers were in representation of reindeer or anything to do with Christmas…I mean, I despise Christmas as much you…probably…maybe not as MUCH as you…but anyway…please ignore all this red stuff that we have on display…it’s too stupid and cheery…now, can I get you a Peppermint Latte or Christmas blend coffee??”
Haha. I even tried to tell a few chagrined customers that I was wearing antlers as a sign of the deer season that was upon us...ya know, just supporting the cause of mammal crowd control...which got a few chuckles and a few strange looks, but I'm from Oklahoma and most people just chalked my "kill deer" support up to the primitive nature they associate with all Oklahoma people...haha.

Now that Thanksgiving is OV-ER, I can wear my antlers high and my smile can be as cheery as Santa’s sleigh bells…I will share the Good News with excitement and Scrooges be forewarned…no more hiding in the closet of pre-Christmas love shame… My name is Kara and I love Christmas…there, I said it. I would like to meet someone who can listen to the Chipmunks Song of Christmas ("Allllllviiiiin!!") and not smile- that person would have to possess a heart of flint or really hate chipmunks…

Now that the season is in full blast what with the first day of shopping halfway over, Black Friday is upon us and the blossom of what promises to be a full-fledged season of “silent nights” and “decked halls” has reached time to bloom!
Merry Christmas to all…and to all many Venti Peppermint Mochas (until your local Starbucks runs out of Peppermint syrup!)

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Stay Thirsty (for coffee) my friends...

So, it was a long morning. And that is okay, as I am working mornings from here on! I labeled myself as a “morning person!” when I got this job and I find myself quickly becoming a morning expert!

Morning people are:
1. Annoyed when you ask for their drink order (as you should know it!)
2. Usually in a hurry
3. Not very talkative
4. Still sleepy, aka- Yawning when they walk in the door
5. Dressed impeccably (and flawless makeup)
6. Very detached from their surroundings (this could have to do with #4)
7. Not wanting conversation

So, all this to say, I have LOVED mornings…I want to crack jokes, be playful, all in a non-threatening environment… And morning people are great fodder for joke-telling. They aren’t expecting much at 5 am, so really, they will laugh at anything! I could say “booga, booga” and they would crack a smile. They aren’t the social butterflies that I am used to in the evening.* They are up because they have work to do and the last thing they want is to have to talk to someone BEFORE they’ve had their coffee…

*Evening people are usually (for the most part) fairly trendy coffeshop type people that are used to insane behavior, and nothing really surprises them…they want to have a conversation and tell you why THEY are COOL…and why you should be PRIVILEGED to serve them…yeah, yeah, heard it all before…

So, I like to consider myself a celebrity in this right… I think the morning people think my eccentricity is a result of their presence, and if they want to think that, then we are all good. Keep those $5 and $20 tips coming our way! Not to mention (but I’m going to anyway), I think I am pretty clever and can offer some witty banter with the best of them.

It was this morning, EARLY, that I hit a snafu and met a worthy verbal foe. This guy kept coming back at me with jabs, he backed me into a corner, and I had nothing to say, I stood there for a second, had even thought of a good comeback (it was too late at this point) and right as he started to smile a triumphant smile, I began to quote, from the first line, the movie “Aladdin.” People stared at me until I finished the impressive monologue from the opening credits of the movie. The guy shook his head and said, “I’m going to defer to you on this one, blondie…mainly because I can’t think of anything to top that…and I need a couple minutes to figure out why it is you saw fit to memorize those lines…”

Those movie lines are my “go-to,” but now that I’ve used them, I think I might need a new “go-to.” I guess I could just yell, “Objection. Sustained. Case closed.” when I am at a loss for words.

It all started, me being in a weird mood today, when I was opening…I went to get the umbrella to set up, and I noticed, never fail, a cricket…thinking, (sarcastic) “Great.” And this cricket was small, but he looked very threatening… and it was at that moment, at closer scrutiny, it wasn’t a cricket, it was a small black GRASSHOPPER…which is even worse because those little yahoos can fly!

And so, when the grasshopper made eye contact with me, I immediately ducked because I knew he was going to pull a kamikaze…and sure enough, true to form (at least true to form that I saw of grasshoppers in the movie “Antz”), he came flying at my head. I know better than to scream, because then he flies in my mouth and I become part grasshopper and part human…like Grasswoman or Hopperhuman or something insane like that. Akin to what Batman experienced when he confronted his fears.

So, the little guy jumps around, hits the pillar behind me, then makes another go of it. But I am larger (by many lbs) in what I lack in agility and jumping ability compared to him, so I “woman up” and swat at him, immediately shaking my hand in case he tries to gecko grab my skin and infect me with grasshopper juices. I watch him hit the pavement of the parking lot and limp away, defeated. Haha. If you’ve never seen a grasshopper “walk,” it’s worth the effort. Grasshopper 0, Kara 2 (I get an extra point for also facing my fear).
Objection? Overruled.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

"Cheers!" (Where everybody knows your name!)

Oh today was ruthless…RUTHLESS I tell you… It was exhilarating in the way that only a true athlete can appreciate. I felt spent and adrenalized at the time of my departure. After 8 grueling hours, 8 HOURS of what felt like playing catch-up with a cheetah I left the store victorious. I had won. Everyone had been served and it wasn’t until the last five minutes, literally, that I even faced so much as a snafu.

Right before I oozed through the door, a puddle of exhaustion, a man walked in, and said, “I’m back!” I raised my eyebrows quizzically as if to say, “Riddle me this- when were you ever here in the first place?” Anyway, he wanted a Bold brew…which was no longer brewing on the drip machine and would have to be performed as a pour-over, no big deal, two minutes TOPS, I tell him. Nothing doing, he says, “No, it’s not strong enough…” and I was too tired and detached at this point to even explain that the taste was no different…and he said, “Pike is TOO strong…” and at this point, I had to interject, even though someone else was ringing him up on the register, “Sir, Pike is our MILD blend…” (aka- it’s the least strong we brew)…he looked at me as if I had just told him we were out of coffee…then he proceeded to inform me, “Okay, missy [it has to be noted here, he did say “missy” and I am not making this up…], I know you think people don’t know coffee, but I KNOW bold and strong coffees and beans…” And I started to say, “Yeah, well? Tell them I said Hello next time you see them…” instead I said, “Okay, boys and girls- peace out! I’m off the clock!” And I made eye contact with the other shift manager and said, “Good luck with this bozo, sweetie!”
I did realize something as I was driving away…today had been so out of the ordinary, what with all our OU fans coming into the store…the mood was electric all morning…and although it wasn’t sunshine and rainbows the whole time we were in there, like when we ran out of cups and lids and 2% milk simultaneously (okay, not really, but it felt like it!), for the most part, people were patient and genuinely happy to be indulging in Starbucks coffee on a cold Fall morning. It felt like F-A-L-L…and my heart was full and radiating with warmth. I got a little distant for about 30 minutes and it was during this time that a woman came in and ordered, “A delicious, yummy scone…mmmmMmm…” (and she made all these noises and sound effects and she was super cheery and smiley…). At the moment, the annoyance factor in me was already extremely high…so I kind of couldn’t stand her bubble gum happiness exuding all over the counter. I kind of looked her…and her radiance wouldn’t be dimmed…so I had to ask- “What the deal with the joy down in your heart?” and the minute I said it…it dawned on me- she had just gotten done worshipping God. I stood there and listened to her say, “I just came from church and had the best time praising God. And right now- I’m thanking Him for people like you who work on Sunday to serve people like me who want coffee on Sunday…” I looked at her for a second like an out of body experience. I told her sometimes I feel judged for working on Sunday…but it’s probably just me…I think people are happy for the most part for having Starbucks available on Sunday…

She said, “Well, I am sure you have a delightful relationship with God and that He’s happy you are serving Him in any capacity…”

I stuck my bottom lip out for a second (as that is my “ponder face”…) and I told her, “You know what- I think our paths were supposed to cross today…thanks for making my day much better with your presence!”

You never know what God can have in store for a caffeine seeking voyager and the supplier of said voyage. I felt almost oracle-like after she left, “Go in harmony, little grasshopper…may that soy pumpkin spice latte promote into you the many addictions of caffeine...and may the joy of God’s blessing of coffee make you ever mindful of insomnia and alert living forevermore and more…Amen and bottoms up!”