Saturday, November 27, 2010

The Return of the Espresso Jedi...

I couldn’t think of a better day to re-begin my blogging as I have taken a much needed hiatus due to school and work…not that I haven’t had stories to tell about oversteamed lattes and angry patrons, and not that people haven’t touched my life on a daily basis with their kindness and caring words of encouragement. Today Christmas celebration is officially allowed. All the Bah-humbugs who think that Thanksgiving loses something in the listening to Christmas music early (nothing)…their argument is no longer valid, so we can all blare Christmas music from Bing Crosby to Mariah Carey to Amy Grant as loud as we want!

However, even as a holly-jolly offender myself, I am struck this year by the saturation of holiday paraphernalia that I notice early in the season. I guess working at Starbucks (which is pretty much directly correlated with Christmastime for me) it is hard not to notice the “cheer” and “joy” that is pumped into the head, heart, and soul of America through the red and white snowy decorations from cups to signage, and gift sets wrapped in colorful foil ribbon…not to mention the Christmas tree we’ve had up since November 1st.

Here, at the store, we have practically been advertising this popular December holiday since the beginning of September…while someone like me can’t think of anything better than a prolonged celebration of, literally, the most wonderful time of the year, other people become practically fossilized in their Scroogism and you can see it on their scowl when they observe the large, adorable furry antlers you are wearing via headband and you hear it in their voice when they mumble, “It’s not even Thanksgiving yet…didja forget about that?” and you then you try to slyly slide the headband off while darting your eyes side to side to feign innocence saying, “I didn’t even REALIZE these antlers were in representation of reindeer or anything to do with Christmas…I mean, I despise Christmas as much you…probably…maybe not as MUCH as you…but anyway…please ignore all this red stuff that we have on display…it’s too stupid and cheery…now, can I get you a Peppermint Latte or Christmas blend coffee??”
Haha. I even tried to tell a few chagrined customers that I was wearing antlers as a sign of the deer season that was upon us...ya know, just supporting the cause of mammal crowd control...which got a few chuckles and a few strange looks, but I'm from Oklahoma and most people just chalked my "kill deer" support up to the primitive nature they associate with all Oklahoma people...haha.

Now that Thanksgiving is OV-ER, I can wear my antlers high and my smile can be as cheery as Santa’s sleigh bells…I will share the Good News with excitement and Scrooges be forewarned…no more hiding in the closet of pre-Christmas love shame… My name is Kara and I love Christmas…there, I said it. I would like to meet someone who can listen to the Chipmunks Song of Christmas ("Allllllviiiiin!!") and not smile- that person would have to possess a heart of flint or really hate chipmunks…

Now that the season is in full blast what with the first day of shopping halfway over, Black Friday is upon us and the blossom of what promises to be a full-fledged season of “silent nights” and “decked halls” has reached time to bloom!
Merry Christmas to all…and to all many Venti Peppermint Mochas (until your local Starbucks runs out of Peppermint syrup!)

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