Monday, August 2, 2010

C'est La Vie

People are weird. And if that’s new news for you, then spend a Sunday afternoon in a Starbucks sometime. You will leave knowing that I speak the truth.
Today (well, yesterday, at this point), me and my co-worker witnessed one of the weirdest of people to ever visit our store. I am not just talking about eclectic. I am talking about weird.

Let me play this out and the reader can be the judge:
A clown walks into a Starbucks. (This is not a joke, this is my reality) A clown walks into a Starbucks, talking on his cell phone. As if this isn’t weird enough, he actually puts his hand up to say, “Just a second” when I ask him what he would like to order. When he reaches a stopping point in his conversation, he cups his hand over the mouthpiece and whispers, “Grande Skinny Vanilla Latte” and I keep staring at him, waiting for the punch line…? I even say, “Is that going to be all for you today? Would you like a muffin or scone? Or perhaps an appointment with a shrink?” haha…ha? He just smiles and resumes his conversation, about airplane flights. And he is speaking in an English accent that is perfectly articulated and not at all overdone, in a very unclownlike manner. hhhmm?

He is not a “happy” clown, like, his clown face is smiling, but his real face is pretty wrinkly and the make-up is a little smeared and sweaty looking. He’s not channeling Joker from Batman or anything but I definitely wouldn’t hire him for a kid’s birthday party, unless I wanted to kids to be scared and crying. He had the clown shirt and clown make-up, as well as a weird hat, weird tie, but he was wearing regular pants and shoes. I would have thought, maybe, it was an accident, like he didn’t realize that his face was painted and he was wearing a red nose and a fluffy tuxedo shirt because his pants looked nice and the shoes were polished. He paid for his coffee with a credit card, which was even weirder, like I expected him to pay in Monopoly money or something.

I mean, we give free drinks to people in uniform, but this was a little much. I was dying to ask him what the deal was, but he made it clear with his “do not disturb” hand gestures, that he didn’t want to be bothered. The fact that the clown was on the phone the whole time was funny, because, seriously, how popular was the guy. It was the most bizarre of situations, made weirder by the fact that he acted nothing was out of the ordinary…maybe the joke was on us. And that is pretty funny after all!
So, yeah, Sundays are strange days in Starbucks. We have our church people coming in to spend $5 on coffee so that they can go to church and not tithe. Haha. I’m kidding, but probably right on the money.

I will have to see what today has in store. Mondays can be pretty interesting, too.

1 comment:

  1. Have you heard the one about the clown walking into this Starbucks....this is just too much. Maybe it will be on a funny videos show or something...are you kidding? Ha!
