Friday, September 10, 2010

Et tu, Brute?

Sometimes people can be really predictable…

Let me elaborate- Several of the baristas will claim to know a person’s drink simply by their ethnicity. Now, I don’t want to cause any HR issues, so I am going to steer clear of any stereotyping…but I will say that 3 out of 4 times, we are right when we “predict” their drinks (that’s 8 out 10 for you math majors, not a bad percentage)…haha!

It doesn’t hurt that 95% of our clientele prefers caramel frappuccinos…for good reason, those are the most delicious, decadent treats for which one can use $4. However, I think it goes even further than that… For example- people with kids will usually get the blended beverages or chocolate and vanilla milk…as kids aren’t “supposed” to have caffeine (and we DO have kids that break this rule, see previous posts for verification)…and ladies that wear a lot of jewelry (that come in around noonish) usually opt for the “skinny” beverages…men that have been at work all day (the afternoonish grab and go bunch) usually go for something “heavy” (aka- sweet) to tide them over during rush hour traffic…and workaholics that are on their phone or on their computer in the café (aka- dwellers) will ask for espresso drinks (extra shot of espresso, no room for cream)…

I am sometimes proved wrong when people come in and knock my socks off by ordering by the menu (heaven forbid!!)…but I always like the adventurous people that go for something “seasonal” as that is why we exist! To offer the “get-away” drinks that can’t be purchased anywhere but at the store that started this trend of pumpkin and toffee deliciousity (not a word, don’t google it….)…

Today, a man came in…he usually gets an Americano (a very straightforward drink, simple…) and he ordered a pumpkin spice latte… I asked if he was getting it for someone else…. He said, “nope” and didn’t elaborate… I was confused, but made the drink anyway. He picked it up…and took a sip. He shrugged and said, “I wanted to see what the fuss was about…” and then he asked for an Americano and I told him, “Don’t worry…it’s on us…did you not like the latte?” He said, “yeah, it’s great, but I want to take a nap now…” and I completely understood.
Sometimes people can be really unpredictable…

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