Thursday, September 23, 2010

Spills Happen...

Not many people know that over 50 words exist in the English language as an equivalent for “walk.”

Saunter, stroll, barrel, swagger, totter, amble, and so on... In contrast, in Portugese, there are only 3 words for walk.

This is similar to the coffee phenomenon at Starbucks. For the most part, the available choices for coffee are: decaf and regular. Unleaded or leaded.
Not at Starbucks. The choices here are limitless…I think my dad told me once that he researched and found that over 7 million different combinations exist for drink choices at Starbucks. Okay, so I’m exaggerating, but I forgot the exact amount and I know it had a 7 in it.

The point is, a person can get a drink made with regular drip coffee, with espresso shots, decaf, extra-hot, with milk (2%, whole, soy, nonfat…), tea (green, black, or passion), blended….shaken…stirred or all three and served in a cup size bigger than the drink so that we can put in extra ice! It’s a wonder that someone can even make a decision when they walk, saunter, stroll, or RUN through the door!

I bring this up because in class the other night we were talking about words for “walk” and someone made that point about Portugese. I thought it must be overwhelming for people who don’t frequent Starbucks when they see the menu.

When we did the event at the assisted living center again yesterday, I was told by one of the ladies in attendance that my “cookies” were hard and cooked too long (they were biscotti, so hardness is a desirable feature)…and when I was telling the women about the pastry selection that we served, one of them said, “I thought you just served coffee…” and I really didn’t feel like going into the whole “7 millionish” combinations of drinks explanation with her, so I just said, “Yes, we do serve some other food…” and she said, holding up the “hard” biscotti cookie, “Well, tell them, don’t quit their day job, this food isn’t gonna make you famous…” Always good for a laugh, that place.

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