Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Raindrops are falling on...my cafe latte...

So, it was raining cats and dogs today...or, if you are a dog lover, it was raining dogs and cats today. The crowds were few and far between, however, when the traffic got heavy, it got heavy in a hurry.

We are promoting our treat receipt in which people that come in before 2pm get a stamp on their receipt that they can redeem for a $2 grande drink of their choice later in the day. You can imagine how the line would build up as we had to explain this to every customer and wait on every receipt like in the olden days when everyone used cash (insert wistful sigh and gaze into the distance...my how times have changed so rapidly...seems like yesterday I was walking to school barefoot in the snow...uphill...in the scorching heat...wait, did I say snow? I meant scorching heat, barefoot on black pavement...you get my drift...times have changed)...

Needless to say, even if anxiety wasn't necessary, I was getting nervous as I would glance up and see the line about six people deep. Eeeccck!! And of course, the person at the register would be Gabby Gabberson. And for some reason, I guess it was the rain or dreary weather, people seemed especially indecisive today. They actually WANTED suggestions, which is new to me, and I finally just gave up on suggesting my favorite which is the green tea latte because I have to explain that it is a little on the bitter and strong and CAFFIENATED side of drinks...and I just started suggesting the caramel apple latte (which is a new second favorite drink of mine) because it was warm and cozy and extremely sweet and delicious and fairly noninvasive to make for our baristas (in other words- no explanation necessary, wham, bam, thank you ma'am, please take your drink and move on OUTTA the way!)
Next person, please.

Oddly enough, people are patient and nice if we act like we are making a valid effort at moving the line quickly and getting them their drink exactly as they want it! Even if they order an Extra coffee, solo shot, Venti Java Chip Frappaccino with protein powder and an extra scoop of vanilla bean, extra whip and caramel and chocolate drizzle on top...and then they change their mind and want a grande coffee instead just when I have finished the second attempt at getting this drink right. No big deal, I just put the drink to the side for whoever is on break next... Break time for Kara! Yum!!!!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

What happens on a Sunday stays on a Sunday!

Today was my first “early shift” training at the Bucks. I had been waiting for this day, as I am a self-professed morning junkie who was looking forward to being a part of starting the mornings of all the early risers with smiles and cups of java juice to get them going! Boy did I have another thing coming! The first “early riser” that I greeted didn’t say one word when I said, “Happy Sunday, sir!” He just kind of pointed at the drip coffee and grunted when I asked what size. Literally, he grunted. As you can imagine, I had to ask him again what size he wanted and he finally looked up and established eye contact and just when I thought, yes, we are making a connection, he growled, “Are you new or something?” I managed a little laugh and said, “Yep, what gave it away, the 20 questions?” and I’m thinking, “Great. I made an enemy of a regular within the first 60 seconds.”

So, the morning wears on, nice ebb and flow of traffic. We get a couple Sunday paper buyers, several joggers, one skimpy pajama wearing lady who would have been escorted out if there had been children present, and three or four overly talkative Sunday school teachers whose peripherals were working overtime on PJ woman. Ironically enough, most of the church-goers seemed to have this aura of “We are going to CHURCH in our dress-up clothes and you are not you sinner...” Maybe that was just my guilty conscience. I did have one lady in church clothes said (who actually was carrying her Bible with her), “It’s a shame that you have to work on a Sunday.” (insert thoughtful pause here as I think, “Well, who would be serving you this coffee, lady?” The unsaved?)

Anyway, yes, it was a shame to work on a Sunday, but it was also a very relaxed day to work on register training and how to count back change which usually just consisted of me handing the person their money in a crumpled pile with the biggest bill on the bottom and the change wadded up inside like a money burrito. I am sure that I will have to perfect counting backwards art later, but it’s not at the top of my list when I am more concerned with the grunting customers and lingerie wearing cougars.

Highlight of the day- my aunt’s beautiful family stopped by to see me today! It was a blessing to get to see my aunt, uncle, and three cousins (plus one cousin through marriage). They had to search to find our location and I’m so glad they did! I loved getting to visit with them. I have the best family in the world!

Friday, June 25, 2010

It's a bird, it's a plane...it's a caramel macchiato!

Today was hilarious for two reasons. The first of which involved the making of two caramel macchiatos. The second of which involved the handing out of the aforementioned caramel macchiatos. It should be noted that this is what my sister would call a persnickety drink, meaning it’s a high maintenance drink. I think my sister is persnickety but that’s another story for another blog, ha!! I’m kidding.

I should know all the drinks specifications inside and out, since I am going to be a supervisor, so I was doing practice behind the bar, and two, dressed up, little elderly ladies come walking in and order two caramel macchiatos.

No problem, I think. I just practiced this earlier. Okay, so after I conquer the actual making of this drink, I am supposed to put a nice little “lattice” of caramel drizzle on top of the “stained” foam. You would think that the caramel drizzle bottle was my worst enemy the way I fought it today. It’s like Elmer’s glue in the hands of a kindergartener.

If you put a sports implement into my hands- a basketball, a racquet of some sort, a club, a bat even, I would feel more comfortable performing in front of THOUSANDS, make that MILLIONS of people, than I did with two little old ladies peering over the bar, watching me “drizzle” that caramel on their delicate foam.

This is where it really got good- there’s supposed to be a specific pattern that is followed when putting the “drizzle” on the drink. So, as my white knuckles would indicate (and the sweat on my upper lip) I’m squeezing as hard as I can on this stupid bottle mumbling to myself, “PLEASE do not come flying out in one huge glob and splash us all” as the ladies are literally leaning over and STARING at me as if I am performing brain surgery on their closest loved one. As I make one last effort to squeeze the caramel surprisingly comes out in a good stream, so I proceed to “lattice” it and right before I put the lid on, one of the old ladies says, “Oh my gosh, look at that, Betty, she put a flower design on your drink!” and then she proceeded to look at me and ask, “I saw a guy on TV that could do this, too…can you put a bird design on mine?”

I swear, that happened today, and it is STILL making me laugh out loud!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Top Ten List for Official Day Two

In honor of my third day, second FULL day at Starbucks, I offer you a Top Ten List- Top Ten Reasons It Benefits Me to Work at Starbucks.

10. The drinks. I mean, do I need a green tea frappuccino every day to live? Is it an essential food group? No and no. But am I going to get one? And am I going to love it? Yes and yes. There is a drink for every one of my moods. I can get an Americano when I’m feeling European. I can get a red tea latte when I’m feeling blue. And I can get an iced coffee with three shots when I feel like I just can’t make it another step without a big dose of caffeine.

9. The People. I mean, the mix of people that walk in that store can rival what you would see on one of those commercials that is trying to be really diverse and has every ethnic group represented at a barbeque or something...and you are left thinking, “There’s no way all those people would really hang out in the same place…” No, really, they do- and it’s at Starbucks.

8. The Smells. I love the smell of coffee brewing. I always have, it's nostalgic and reminiscent of mornings with my family. And today, when one of the girls came in, she started mixing chocolate in this big vat…and the aroma that filled the work area was like floating clouds of wonderfulness that would only occur in a movie like Willy Wonka.

7. The Newspaper. Someone always buys it and leaves it. Thanks for that.

6. The other workers. They are really hard-working and knowledgeable. I know we are all supposed to be that way, but they really are. They have all kinds of little tricks and tips that make something even as simple as an espresso shot more tasty. Like, don’t leave a shot for longer than 10 seconds without mixing it with something or it gets stale. Interesting stuff…at this point, everything is new to me.

5. The timers. I wish every job I ever had used timers that would beep when something is supposed to be done.

4. The opportunity. I meet so many people all day. And a lot of them want to chat…and network…which is a great tool and a cool way to meet some very interesting people. It’s always good to know that if I ever need to have the windows tinted on my luxury foreign car, there is a guy down the road that would give a 30% discount. First, I guess I need the luxury foreign car! Haha!

3. The ambience. We play good music and we have comfy chairs. A good place to be on break.

2. Outdoor seating. For someone (me) who is always cold, sitting outside is always preferable.

1. The number one reason it benefits me to work at Starbucks- On my way home from work, I don’t have to stop at Starbucks!!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Day One Wrappe up!

Now that all of my brain activity is influenced by Starbucksese (latte language not to be confused with some kind of coffee inspired rash or disease) I can barely remember what it was like to think about aspects of life without an extra shot of espresso.

Haha, I am kidding, people. I haven't been that entirely converted...Yet. Before you know it, though, I will start speaking in a "ccino" and "atte" sort of pig latin. I guess that's what it's like if you work at McDonald's. Everything's a Mc.Something and can be deep fried in under 30 seconds. :)

I did laugh out loud one time when I was watching "Scrubs" and they were at CoffeeBucks. It still makes me laugh when I say it out loud and I almost named my blog CoffeeBucks just for the sheer joy of getting to say it every day.

Starbucks has done a fabulous job of saturating the world with its brand name. That's one thing I love about the company. People come to expect great things when they walk through that door. Whether it be a Venti, a Grande, a hot drink, a cold drink, a green drink, a red drink, and I am beginning to sound like a Dr.Suess book! :) Go Dog Go!

Actually, it was a wonderful first day. The regional GM was at our location and I got to do a coffee experience with him. We took small porcelain cups of my favorite coffee and we smelled it, slurped it (so that it would cover our whole palate), talked about it, and recorded our experience. I have to do that same process with all of our coffees as I research them one at a time. It was very interesting and I was glad to know that it really is about the coffee, too. The best way to be equipped to help a customer is to be informed. My pathetic palate still kind of likes 7-Eleven coffee, but at least I have a deep appreciation for the time and energy that goes into making a Starbucks coffee special.

And who cares about what it tastes like when we will make YOURS extra special fit to your exact specifications, temperature, and even write your name on the cup in the process.

Hey, and next time you are in Starbucks, ask your Barista if they have any ideas of what kind of pastry or snack goes with the coffee that is currently brewing. In our coffee passports where we record our "experiences," we have a section where we get examples of great pairings depending on the flavor of coffee (just like wine connoisseurs except with a beverage you can drink on the road...legally...)

I am happy with my new job. Excited to see about the possibilities we have in this area of Dallas for marketing and community involvement. We have some schools nearby and I think our location manager has some great ideas on how to help inspire our local neighbor children to be creative, write, and make a difference in their community. Just like we do at Starbucks- one cup at a time.

Your favorite Coffee Connoisseur-

The REAL Day One- Shaken and Stirred...

I showed up early, as is my custom on a first day of anything! Early bird gets...the best seat in the coffeeshop? Not really as I am sitting outside in the sun, waiting on my "training" to start. I've been a manager before, so I think the management part will be fairly easy. It's the brewing part I'm worried about...is it one cup of grounds for every three cups of water? What does latte really mean? These are the burning questions that I hope are answered in my training.
Should I have a cup of coffee or is that bad "form?" I think I need a pick-me-up! Why not, might as well support the cause...
I must say ta-ta for now! I will update about the day later!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Emergency Addendum!

Well, I just got done getting ready for bed, was wanting to get a good night's sleep as I take great pride in my ability to prepared in every aspect for any new job. I noticed, as I was closely examining my face in the mirror, that I am developing a good set of smile (what appear to be permanent) facial lines. Hhhmm...

I am second guessing my "welcome" face (which I have practiced in the mirror and has involved a lot of variations of smiling) and thinking that I might need to develop a good stoic face (which involves more jaw clenching and stiff lips) to welcome customers...not that I want to appear unhappy, but a nice intensity wouldn't hurt. Plus, anything to preserve the sanctity of my future ability to be beautiful, right? Oh, the sacrifices we make to look presentable to future generations.

I guess an occassional smile now and then won't hurt. I just hope that later in life, I can remember all these sweet moments that have developed the roadmap of lines on my face...I hope the lines point to a bright future full of laughter! I am sure they will!

Sweet dreams of mochalatte proportions, friends!

Day One- Make Mine a Venti!!!!

Lift your clear plastic and cardboard lined white cups to me and say, "Cheers!" Tomorrow is my first day of working at Starbucks (insert espresso-induced shouting and screaming from wild fans of the expensive coffee). The road that led me here is outlined in my book "With God as My Witness" and I will be publishing this book sometime later this year, that's just a plug and an acknowledgement that my story is more than just the beginning of a new job at a coffeeshop. The journey that led me to Starbucks is an interesting...somewhat harrowing...oftentimes heartbreaking tale of rejection, acceptance, and every emotional variation on the spectrum between those two.

As I start my coffee brewing adventure as "shift manager" at the 635 and 75 Starbucks, I reflect on the first time I had Starbucks coffee. I was a junior in high school and my friend Stephanie took me to a Barnes and Noble cafe (aka- the original Starbucks in Oklahoma) and ordered for me, as I was an SB virgin, a Grande Cappuccino with a shot of vanilla. Even now, I can remember the savvy feeling of having a drink that contained a "shot" (wooo-hooo!), I thought, "if only 'they' could see me now..." Who "they" were I don't know, but if they could have seen me, I would have looked pretty impressive drinking that fancy coffee with all that foam and a shot of vanilla. I am sure that my pinkie was raised in the hoity-toity fashion of champange wishes and cavier dreams.

I actually don't even think that I enjoyed the coffee, but I was hooked on the lifestyle. I was a Starbucks junkie from that day forward. If it was Starbucks, I had to have it. I bought their mugs, their books, their cds, their pre-packaged coffee, their giftcards, their gadgets, their food. I mean, I was immersed in this culture, in a good way. I liked surrounding myself with the caffeinated essence of Starbucks. It was a haven, a safe place, a sanctuary if you will. A neutral ground for meeting friends, enemies, and friends of enemies. I had dates at Starbucks, I had illicit rendezvous at Starbucks, and I stole Splenda from Starbucks.

All for what? To one day return the favor and offer them my full-time employment...for pay and benefits, of course.

It's going to be interesting, serving coffee to these people just like me. People that are in a hurry, people that are angry, people that just want water and don't even leave a tip. I am now on the "other side" and I hope that you will come along with me on the journey. I am sure I will have many stories to tell.