Friday, June 25, 2010

It's a bird, it's a's a caramel macchiato!

Today was hilarious for two reasons. The first of which involved the making of two caramel macchiatos. The second of which involved the handing out of the aforementioned caramel macchiatos. It should be noted that this is what my sister would call a persnickety drink, meaning it’s a high maintenance drink. I think my sister is persnickety but that’s another story for another blog, ha!! I’m kidding.

I should know all the drinks specifications inside and out, since I am going to be a supervisor, so I was doing practice behind the bar, and two, dressed up, little elderly ladies come walking in and order two caramel macchiatos.

No problem, I think. I just practiced this earlier. Okay, so after I conquer the actual making of this drink, I am supposed to put a nice little “lattice” of caramel drizzle on top of the “stained” foam. You would think that the caramel drizzle bottle was my worst enemy the way I fought it today. It’s like Elmer’s glue in the hands of a kindergartener.

If you put a sports implement into my hands- a basketball, a racquet of some sort, a club, a bat even, I would feel more comfortable performing in front of THOUSANDS, make that MILLIONS of people, than I did with two little old ladies peering over the bar, watching me “drizzle” that caramel on their delicate foam.

This is where it really got good- there’s supposed to be a specific pattern that is followed when putting the “drizzle” on the drink. So, as my white knuckles would indicate (and the sweat on my upper lip) I’m squeezing as hard as I can on this stupid bottle mumbling to myself, “PLEASE do not come flying out in one huge glob and splash us all” as the ladies are literally leaning over and STARING at me as if I am performing brain surgery on their closest loved one. As I make one last effort to squeeze the caramel surprisingly comes out in a good stream, so I proceed to “lattice” it and right before I put the lid on, one of the old ladies says, “Oh my gosh, look at that, Betty, she put a flower design on your drink!” and then she proceeded to look at me and ask, “I saw a guy on TV that could do this, too…can you put a bird design on mine?”

I swear, that happened today, and it is STILL making me laugh out loud!


  1. I think "elderly" people who order carmel macchiatos deserve a special design on their drink...ha! I thinking about asking for a checkerboard!

    I can just picture the whole scene...this job is just so fun!

  2. you will get so good at caramel design that you will be able to open your own caramel art gallery...
    the gallery will have to stay at freezing and you will never get to visit your own artwork.
    what a conundrum!

  3. mmmmm...caramel maccahiatos are my fave! But I always ask for extra caramel, so no need for a pretty design. Just a huge glob of caramel for me! DELICIOUS!
