Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Raindrops are falling on...my cafe latte...

So, it was raining cats and dogs today...or, if you are a dog lover, it was raining dogs and cats today. The crowds were few and far between, however, when the traffic got heavy, it got heavy in a hurry.

We are promoting our treat receipt in which people that come in before 2pm get a stamp on their receipt that they can redeem for a $2 grande drink of their choice later in the day. You can imagine how the line would build up as we had to explain this to every customer and wait on every receipt like in the olden days when everyone used cash (insert wistful sigh and gaze into the distance...my how times have changed so rapidly...seems like yesterday I was walking to school barefoot in the snow...uphill...in the scorching heat...wait, did I say snow? I meant scorching heat, barefoot on black pavement...you get my drift...times have changed)...

Needless to say, even if anxiety wasn't necessary, I was getting nervous as I would glance up and see the line about six people deep. Eeeccck!! And of course, the person at the register would be Gabby Gabberson. And for some reason, I guess it was the rain or dreary weather, people seemed especially indecisive today. They actually WANTED suggestions, which is new to me, and I finally just gave up on suggesting my favorite which is the green tea latte because I have to explain that it is a little on the bitter and strong and CAFFIENATED side of drinks...and I just started suggesting the caramel apple latte (which is a new second favorite drink of mine) because it was warm and cozy and extremely sweet and delicious and fairly noninvasive to make for our baristas (in other words- no explanation necessary, wham, bam, thank you ma'am, please take your drink and move on OUTTA the way!)
Next person, please.

Oddly enough, people are patient and nice if we act like we are making a valid effort at moving the line quickly and getting them their drink exactly as they want it! Even if they order an Extra coffee, solo shot, Venti Java Chip Frappaccino with protein powder and an extra scoop of vanilla bean, extra whip and caramel and chocolate drizzle on top...and then they change their mind and want a grande coffee instead just when I have finished the second attempt at getting this drink right. No big deal, I just put the drink to the side for whoever is on break next... Break time for Kara! Yum!!!!

1 comment:

  1. you have given me several ideas that will torture starbuck folks for years.
    flavors that i didn't even know you have.
