Sunday, June 27, 2010

What happens on a Sunday stays on a Sunday!

Today was my first “early shift” training at the Bucks. I had been waiting for this day, as I am a self-professed morning junkie who was looking forward to being a part of starting the mornings of all the early risers with smiles and cups of java juice to get them going! Boy did I have another thing coming! The first “early riser” that I greeted didn’t say one word when I said, “Happy Sunday, sir!” He just kind of pointed at the drip coffee and grunted when I asked what size. Literally, he grunted. As you can imagine, I had to ask him again what size he wanted and he finally looked up and established eye contact and just when I thought, yes, we are making a connection, he growled, “Are you new or something?” I managed a little laugh and said, “Yep, what gave it away, the 20 questions?” and I’m thinking, “Great. I made an enemy of a regular within the first 60 seconds.”

So, the morning wears on, nice ebb and flow of traffic. We get a couple Sunday paper buyers, several joggers, one skimpy pajama wearing lady who would have been escorted out if there had been children present, and three or four overly talkative Sunday school teachers whose peripherals were working overtime on PJ woman. Ironically enough, most of the church-goers seemed to have this aura of “We are going to CHURCH in our dress-up clothes and you are not you sinner...” Maybe that was just my guilty conscience. I did have one lady in church clothes said (who actually was carrying her Bible with her), “It’s a shame that you have to work on a Sunday.” (insert thoughtful pause here as I think, “Well, who would be serving you this coffee, lady?” The unsaved?)

Anyway, yes, it was a shame to work on a Sunday, but it was also a very relaxed day to work on register training and how to count back change which usually just consisted of me handing the person their money in a crumpled pile with the biggest bill on the bottom and the change wadded up inside like a money burrito. I am sure that I will have to perfect counting backwards art later, but it’s not at the top of my list when I am more concerned with the grunting customers and lingerie wearing cougars.

Highlight of the day- my aunt’s beautiful family stopped by to see me today! It was a blessing to get to see my aunt, uncle, and three cousins (plus one cousin through marriage). They had to search to find our location and I’m so glad they did! I loved getting to visit with them. I have the best family in the world!

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