Friday, July 2, 2010

Blend, Whip, Frappe...Liquefy...

I wasn’t going to do this…on my blog…I wasn’t going to get on a soapbox, but I just have to. It will be a little one.
It’s my blog, so give me my soapbox moment.

I was going to go to an interview this morning at another business. It was a good job opportunity initially, meaning, more money and a little less responsibility. Also, there was the chance that I would be able to move up in the company quickly. After some deliberation and some Godly counsel from my father, I decided not to go…much to the happiness of all the readers that are vicariously receiving their mocha frappuccino fix from my blog. Plus, the culture at Starbucks for management is wonderful and I think that my opportunities here are going to be really exciting, as well.

So, instead, this morning, I went to my neighborhood Starbucks (ironically enough, it’s not the same one where I work). I went to Starbucks for the same reason that most people go- for the ambience, the people watching, the contemplation of something greater than me. I didn’t go to be alone (which I don’t know why people do that anyway and act annoyed when there are actually other people around...I mean, it’s a public place- shocker!)…if I wanted to be alone, I’d have gone home. No, I wanted some chatter (not to be confused with cheddar which we do sell on the “protein plate”) and some spontaneity (which is available with every person that walks in the door as I overheard someone singing opera this morning).

I was sitting at a table, looking at a paper and listening to the workers banter back and forth. Ahhh, feels so familiar. I started reflecting on my devotional from this morning. I couldn’t help but be stuck on the word irrevocably. In the devotion, it said, “When we think seriously about what it will cost if we obey the call of Jesus, we tell God He doesn’t know what our obedience will mean…” and then the author of the devotion basically said, “Get over yourself- He DOES know.” I mean, He invented obedience, right? “God doesn’t tell us what He is going to do, He reveals to us Who He is!” and every morning we have a new chance to “build our confidence” in Him and His Will.

Back to irrevocable- I kept hearing the blender for the frappuccino machine and I think, on a personal level (and I am sure that most everyone can relate to this in some way), God has walked me through some crisis in my life, I have been through the blender of crisis…meaning, He has been with me through these times, not that He pushed me into them. I did that myself. However, just as sometimes crisis are unavoidable, our Faith in God is irrevocable (unchangeable, unalterable, irreversible, and most importantly- PERMANENT). When I have been poured out of the blender of crisis, I am a mix of experiences that God can use to make me into a delicious drink. Our times in the blender can be a little disorienting, but we now have all these ingredients in our life that point to the Grace and Wonderful Mercy of God that has saved us. Irrevocably.

Anyway, that’s my soapbox. Liquefied for God .

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