Saturday, July 10, 2010

Two for the price of one!!!

Today was a most splendid day! This was a day that didn’t feel like work at all. I realized something that made my job smooth as butter. I am a “good guy” in this profession. No matter who comes through that door- cops, blue collar workers, businessman, soccer moms, missionaries, church goers, children, teenagers, etc…they all like me (not just me, Kara, but me, in the green apron who serves them coffee).

When I got to work earlier than expected, I sat at one of the tables and finished up my quiet time. This consisted of doing some writing in my prayer journal. It was very early and still dark outside. Two of my favorite songs came on the overhead speakers and I just knew it was going to be a red-letter day!

It was almost one of those days that left me waiting for something bad to happen…but aside from the usual syrup on my wrist (and very occasional coffee splatter from the Frappuccino base which can be disasterous on my more aggressive days when I really give the pump extra hard pushes and I am wearing a white shirt)...aside from these small things, it was an accident-free day!

One super funny incident occurred when a large group walked in together. They were a strange assortment of people that were all kind of talking to one another (some dressed kind of “funky,” others a little more conservative and they ranged from what appeared to be around 19 years old to in their 50s) and there seemed to be about 8 of them. They began to order and I was working register and quickly repeating the orders to Ayen who was banging the drinks out lightning fast! The first two guys walked on over to the bar area to pick up their drinks when Ayen called their names and the lady behind them gave a drink order of two drinks and said, “I’ll come back to pay for it all” walked back to the end of the group because she wanted to look at the pastries. When the next four people walked through, they all ordered Frappaccinos, and one of the girls was going to pay for the Frappes, and I said to the girls and the one man left in line, “Oh no, the lady right there said she is going to pay for you all” and I motioned to the lady at the pastry counter. They nodded and said, “Okay, cool!” and then the man behind them ordered a regular coffee and said, “That was so nice of her…” and he walked out the door with his coffee.

After the lady decided she wanted a cranberry scone, I got it, and told her the total- $36. Her eyes bugged out and she said, “How much is that scone???” I suddenly had a weird feeling in my stomach and I quickly glanced at the bar area- the girls were already gone with the Frappuccinos, but the two guys at the front of the line were headed back to the register. They said, “We both thought that the other one paid!” Haha. Okay, that’s all good and fine, but what about the girls and guy who thought that the lady had paid for them! I explained to the lady what had happened. She laughed about it and actually offered to pay for them! I told her no way, that it would really be okay in the big melting pot of Starbucks profits. I probably waste that much Frappuccino mix on the ones that I mess up anyway.

I asked them what the big idea was walking in the door all close together like that, as if they knew one another and the lady said, "That's exactly what we were discussing- how we all ended up at the door at the same time!" Well, they fooled me!

So, everyone left smiling about that little mishap today. No wonder I get such big tips, how many free drinks have I given away??

By the way- I'm posting a picture today. Me in my apron!
Coming tomorrow- Matches Made in Coffeebean Heaven Part Dos.

1 comment:

  1. This is funny..I laughed out loud. I am sure that made those people's day.
