Friday, July 9, 2010

I like long walks on the beach and decaffeinated dreams!!!!

I was a closer last night, which means it was a late night. No need to prolong my beauty sleep to try and post a blog that would probably be on the incoherent side anyway. Actually, I wasn’t sure what I wanted to write about when I got home as I had about five different ideas swirling in my head. I need to keep my little sketch pad in my pocket so I can jot down stories as they happen and that way I don’t get them all confused in the evening.

The weirdest thing happened as I was drifting off to sleep last night. I kept repeating drinks in my head. I am not kidding. I had the HARDEST time reaching my REM cycle…I was thinking “Decaf Soy Light Foam Grande Caramel Macchiato, start the milk, brew the espresso…DANG…DECAF espresso, wait on the shot, pour it out, start again, DECAF this time…milk’s done…vanilla syrup in the bottom of the cup, add the milk, add the DECAF shot, grande gets one shot not two, add the light foam…person’s watching, tells me LIGHT foam can you scrap some off? Yes, scraping off…add the caramel drizzle…add the lid, foam squirts through lid on cup, double cup so it doesn’t get on their hand… Next drink, Mocha Frappe…add the coffee base, add the milk…” on and on and on until the actual THOUGHT of all the coffee was caffeinating my dreams enough to keep me awake…

It was like when we would go on a skiing vacation and I would lay down after skiing all day and I would still feel my body moving in a downward trajectory… That was last night minus the downward trajectory.

The day at work- I noticed something of a phenomenon. Starbucks is like a or eharmony commercial in real life. We witness relationships in the making all the time. Well, sometimes the relationships are merely business professional, but I like to think that for every ten encounters and meetings that happen at our Starbucks, nine of them started online, and of those nine, eight were “matches reviewed for free and guaranteed to be chemistry balanced based on deep levels of compatibility.” (I’ve seen too many commercials! Haha!)

For example, there might be a man or woman walk in alone, look around awkwardly, at which point I will have my radar on high alert for matchmaking observation overload. More than likely, being the social butterflies that we are trained to be, a Starbucks partner will have greeted them loudly with a shout so that everyone will turn and look at the door to isolate them even more in the spotlight and now they feel completely detached from their environment; however, they will more than likely have this look of indifference on their face as they assess the other people in the coffeeshop, taking stock of their potential future mate among the ravenous horde of jittery coffee drinking singles…who might be the mother or father of their future children? The best part of the movie, I mean, experience is when eye contact is made with someone who may hold the key to their heart, a slight head turn of…maybe…recognition? They think, “Should I point with my palm facing up to say, ‘Are you the girl/guy that I have been emailing all my private thoughts and dreams to?’ or should I just assume and walk over and hug?” The weird handshake/hug is always funny to witness and then the walk to the line to order their drinks before they get down to the nitty-gritty conversation part of the date.

The drink orders tell us a lot about the how the date is going to go. If the couple orders both hot drinks, then they are digging one another and are probably going to sit and SIP for a while. If they both order cold drinks, then they are more than likely not interested in something serious and definitely don’t want to sit and chat for a prolonged period, but will have a fun date nevertheless. If one orders hot and the other orders cold, then it is definitely not a made in “deep compatible” heaven and it remains doubtful that they met on a website that is very “e-harmonic.” That’s just my observation up to this point. I’ve been wrong before but never that I can ever remember.

I should start my own dating website. The first rule would be describe yourself as a Starbucks drink and keep in mind the person that has to make it needs to get her REM level sleep so- K.I.S.S!! (Keep It Simple Stupid!!)


  1. A Starbucks job and a degree in psychology at the same time! That's a good deal. I think you may have something there.

  2. i especially liked "the actual THOUGHT of all the coffee was caffeinating my dreams." "when will i ever catch up at the office after vacation and kids kamp?" seems to be my current caffeine.

  3. If your matching people up. I will give your Dad a list of likes and dislikes for me! lol I enjoy reading your blogs. :) keep up the good work!
