Monday, July 26, 2010

No "ifs, ands, or buts" allowed...Unless you have Gold Card, that is...

It didn’t seem fair to come home and not blog again for the second night in a row. Plus, I really do have things to say today. Imagine that. Haha.

As I just mentioned, I obviously have been closing the store lately, working as manager on duty for the second shift of the day which means that all the closing duties fall under my jurisdiction. I have not done a perfect job the last couple nights, but I feel like I am getting my “sea legs” (aka- coffee chops) when it comes to getting everything ready for the openers in the morning.

It’s funny when I call the next morning, and I ask how was the “close” (meaning, was everything stocked, cleaned, prepped for the morning rush, etc…) and they tell me that I forgot to do something, it’s like, “Doh!” Because I will have thought it was perfect when I left and they will have a list of like 7 or 8 things that I will have forgotten! Shameful! Haha. Not really, it’s quite an extensive list to get accomplished in about thirty minutes as far as cleaning, sanitizing EVERYTHING from the bathroom to the espresso bar to the coffee machines to the pastry case, as well as closing down the safe, the registers, etc... I am sure as I get better, the list will be completed much faster! If only I would start doing things earlier in the evening instead of walking around talking to people! Haha! You would think I was trying to run a social club instead of a coffeeshop!

Yesterday and today were fairly focused days for me, as far as work goes. I was pretty in tune to my duties and not as connected to our customers. I do feel like I was making people feel at ease and comfortable, but as the clock gets closer to time to shutting down shop, I can feel my patience wear thin and I think I may not be as genuinely happy to see that big group come strolling in five minutes before we lock the door.

In fact, last night, I was pulling chairs inside and a lady walked up from her car and said she was “astounded” that we were closing so early. I told her we could make her a drink and she said, “No, I am meeting some friends here…sooooo….” As though she wanted me to pull the chairs back outside for her and her friends to stay and chat for a while. I am sorry, we can make exceptions, but staying twenty minutes after close so that some friends can reacquainted is not on my list of reasons to stay late. Seriously, could they not have done their research and met before 9 oclock?!? But I kept my “happy face” on and told her she could go to the Starbucks down the street because it was open an hour later than ours. (Aaahhh, the beauty of working for a business that is, literally, almost on every street corner!) The lady wasn’t happy because she said, “All of my friends are coming here!” and she said it all whiney, as though I was going to let her friends in and we were locking HER out… I told her that her friends would probably see that we were closed as I was turning the lights out in about ten minutes anyway. I mean, we were officially “closed” as it was 9 oclock, and she was stalling me from doing my duties. I continued to drag chairs in while she stood in the parking lot staring at the door, like I was going to say April’s Fool! I was thinking, “You should probably get on the horn and start rallying the troops, sister…” (I mean, isn’t that why they invented cell phones? And I could tell from the looks of this lady that she had a fancy cell phone, probably adorned with diamonds or something…) but I just told her I was very sorry and would she like a drink before we shut down the espresso machine? She told me “No” very snippy and got back in her shiny Caddy-lack and drove away. I laughed to myself because there was nothing else to do. And I pulled in the last of the tables and locked the door.

People can be pretty high maintenance, but places like Starbucks with our “do-it-yourself” Frappuccinos and made-to-order-however-you-want-it drinks have created these monsters, so I guess we must cater to them. I am no exception to the rule, as I probably am the most demanding customer that most of the Starbucks employees have to deal with my customized drinks and picky preferences. After all, I know what goes into making these specialized creations, so why shouldn’t I get exactly what I want…and nothing less. Thank you very much and have a nice day. And yes, I do want that extra espresso shot while you’re at it…it’s going to be a long night. At Starbucks- we leave the light on for you…until it’s closing time, that is. Haha!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you handled it well...she will probably petition to have you all have later hours! Ha!
